Eli Kersey

Student at the University of Michigan

I'm Eli Kersey, a senior at the University of Michigan pursuing a BSE in computer science. My current interests in industry are in distributed systems and software engineering. Searching for a full time position after graduation (May 2025).


An overview of my personal programming projects; all projects are written in C++ or Python, or a mixture of both.

Waterski Jump Ramp Controller

An app that allows users to seamlessly control the jump ramp's surface water system and gate remotely via Bluetooth. Currently under development.

Jarvis 2.0

A voice assistant powered by the ChatGPT API, capable of searching the internet, writing and executing scripts, uploading files to the cloud, and much more. Currently under development.

Soduku Solver

Uses advanced heuristics and multithreading for lightning-fast solutions, because who has time to wait for a puzzle to solve itself?

Spotify Stats

Shows the user their Spotify listening statistics that can't be found on the app. Uses the Spotify API. Currently under development.

Relevant Coursework

EECS 281

Data Structures and Algorithms
Fundamental data structures including lists, stacks, queues, priority queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, balanced, trees, and graphs; searching and sorting algorithms; recursive algorithms; basic graph algorithms; introduction to greedy algorithms and divide and conquer strategy.

EECS 485

Web Systems
Concepts surrounding web systems, applications, and internet scale distributed systems. Topics covered include client/server protocols, security, information retrieval and search engines, scalable data processing, and fault tolerant systems. The course has substantial projects involving development of web applications and web systems.

EECS 482

Introduction to Operating Systems
Operating system design and implementation: multi-tasking; concurrency and synchronization; inter-process communication; deadlock; scheduling; resource allocation; memory and storage management; input-output; file systems; protection and security.

EECS 388

Introduction to Computer Security
Introduces the principles and practices of computer security as applied to software, host systems, and networks. Covers the foundations of building, using, and managing secure systems. Standard cryptographic functions and protocols, threats and defenses for real-world systems, incident responses, and computer forensics.

EECS 498

Engineering Interactive Systems
Topics include ubiquitous computing, machine learning, natural user interfaces, mobile computing, user studies, computer vision, microcontrollers & sensors.

EECS 370

Introduction to Computer Organization
Basic concepts of computer organization and hardware. Instructions executed by a processor and how to use these instructions in simple assembly-language programs. Stored-program concept. Data-path and control for multiple implementations of a processor. Performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, input/output.

EECS 376

Foundations of Computer Science
An introduction to theory of computation. Models of computation: finite state machines, Turing machines. Decidable and undecidable problems. Polynomial time computability and paradigms of algorithm design.

ROB 101

Computational Linear Algebra
Systems of linear equations. Vectors, matrices, inverses. Regression. Matrix factorization. Spatial coordinates. Cameras, LiDARS, accelerometers, single-axis gyroscopes, encoders. Optimization and robot perception. What is an ODE.

Contact Information

Email: ekersey@umich.edu